Yesterday, March 29th, I was invited to the annual Academic Honors and Student Recognition Banquet at 5:00pm to be recognized for a couple of my accomplishments this year. Elmira College distributes several awards that are funded from estate donations, and generous alum who wish to honor students with particular attributes, talents, and interests. In addition to these awards, Elmira College honors students who have received local awards sponsored by businesses other than Elmira College. This year, I was one of two recipients for the Institute of Supply Chain Management of the Finger Lakes Region (ISMFLR) $1,000 annual scholarship award. Professor Mullen announced my accomplishment and I met him at the podium to shake his hand and have our picture taken. Later in the program, Elmira College recognized the 47 Elmira College Students who had been selected to be recognized in the 2012 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Following the distribution of awards, we ate our Elmira-College-catered chicken Parmesan, tortellini, and green bean dinner. After dinner, the 47 students chosen from Elmira College to be in the 2012 edition of Who's Who gathered by the podium to receive our certificates.

As soon as I grabbed mine, I rushed back to Meier to change for my Thursday night Strategic Advertising class. There is only one more week of classes, and some professors have cancelled class to allow us time to complete our many projects and papers that are all coming due simultaneously. After today, I have 8 classes left, then 2 presentations, 3 papers, and 3 finals, and then I just have my trip to Hawaii and commencement to look forward to. The time is flying by, and I am starting to become nostalgic about my time left at Elmira College. As excited as I am to begin a new chapter of my life, Elmira College has served as my home and my family for the last 3 years of my life and there are some things about it I will forever miss.
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